Unit Studies & Themed Kits for All Ages

Where Curiosity and Creativity Come Together

Welcome & hello!

I’m Christina – full-time working mom of 2! I created Little Learning Adventures to bring learning to life for all kids and families. It is my goal to make education a hands-on experience that is more accessible and enjoyable for everyone – not just for the child but for the family as a whole.

I started creating themed activities for my kids when they were toddlers. I realized how much not only they were enjoying a new way of learning, but were also advancing really fast. We all looked forward to this time together from early on.

Soon we ventured into the world of homeschool with one challenge: I had 2 completely different types of learners. With my teaching & art background, I started getting more creative. I noticed that project-based learning that involves STEM and art was really enhancing my kids’ LOVE to learn. It kept their creativity and curiosity the driving force, which ultimately was my goal.

I started to create mini curriculums based on the topics kid’s love most and empower them to think critically, research, work together, explore and create. I started my Instagram account to share these themed art kits and curriculums and it was received so well!

In the end, life is a little learning adventure!
